Presale Goals

In order to break even, we need to reach an average ticket price of EUR 380. This will also be the price of our Standard Ticket.

There is also a heavily discounted ticket available for 75€ for people aged between 12 and 18 (children aged 11 and under do not require a ticket). Additionally, there will be an opportunity to apply for a Friends ticket if you are unable to afford the regular ticket. This option will be available during the announced presale dates, as long as there are tickets available.

However! These discounted tickets naturally lower our average ticket price. That's why we kindly ask you, to consider purchasing a Supporter ticket starting at 450€ to help finance the discounted tickets, if that's possible for you. We are also offering Business tickets again, priced at 599€ and 899€. We particularly encourage those who have their participation in the camp financially supported by their employers to support us with the Business tickets. Only with the Business tickets will you receive an invoice prior to the camp.

Average price